miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Beta-II, new levels:

In this new version we introduced a new scene with new mobs and a donate button:


+Added a new scene with new mobs.
+Radical change in the level menu.
+Added "God Mode", which it you're inmortal.
+Visual change in the pause menu.
+Changes in the about menu.
+Changes in the settings menu.
+Changes in the transition between scenes.
+Added a new steps sound.
+Changes in the sound of the camera.
+Visual changes throughout the entire game.
+Increase the fall speed.
+Balanced the damage made by the zombies, bats and darts.
+Added the Donate button.
+Delete the point system and introduced a new time system.
+Change the splashscreen.
+Change the "7AbLe Studio" logo.
+Change the "Project: Guiri" logo.
+Change the URL of the blog.
+Fixed the key bug.
+Balanced the charging time of the camera.
+Delete the wink "THE CAKE IS A LIE!".
+Fixed a bug the textures.
+Chaged the font of the game.

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