domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Beta-IV, Ali-Babah and his thieves added to the game!

In this version we've added a brand new extra level where you must kill all the thieves of Ali-Babah (cuaa, cuaa).


-Added an extra level (Ali-Babah and the 40 thieves, which goal is to eliminate their)
-Change the desert background music.
-Added a background music in the main menu.
-Added a minimap switch.
-Added sliders to change the music volume.
-Added a 'Thanks!' screen, with all the partners who has helped us recording gameplays.
-Delted the 'Bugs?' button.
-Changed some translates.
-Fixed a bug related to the spikes hitboxes.
-Added a dialog to change the window resolution.
-A few more bug fixed.

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

Beta-III, Languages!!

In this new version we added the ability of changing the language of the game: español, english, deutsch, français, esperanto and cani(?).


+Complete translation in 6 languages: spanish, english, german, french, esperanto and cani(?).
+Small changes in the interface.
+Solucionado un bug que hacía que el record no se guardara.
+Solucionado un bug con el daño provocado por el murciégalo.
+Small changes in the texture of Jimmy, the man.
+Changed the steps sound.
+Changed the sound of the dart.
+Changed the 'ouch' sound.
+Changed the final scene.
+Balanced the damage system.

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Beta-II, new levels:

In this new version we introduced a new scene with new mobs and a donate button:


+Added a new scene with new mobs.
+Radical change in the level menu.
+Added "God Mode", which it you're inmortal.
+Visual change in the pause menu.
+Changes in the about menu.
+Changes in the settings menu.
+Changes in the transition between scenes.
+Added a new steps sound.
+Changes in the sound of the camera.
+Visual changes throughout the entire game.
+Increase the fall speed.
+Balanced the damage made by the zombies, bats and darts.
+Added the Donate button.
+Delete the point system and introduced a new time system.
+Change the splashscreen.
+Change the "7AbLe Studio" logo.
+Change the "Project: Guiri" logo.
+Change the URL of the blog.
+Fixed the key bug.
+Balanced the charging time of the camera.
+Delete the wink "THE CAKE IS A LIE!".
+Fixed a bug the textures.
+Chaged the font of the game.

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Welcome to Project: Guiri:

Hello and wellcome to the 7AbLe Studio. blog:
In this blog we're going to publish info about the development of Project: Guiri, an 2D indie game which goal is to kill all the zombies in the Earth. It's super fun to play and the download link is down the title of the blog. If you have alredy played and you enjoy playing the game, you can donate or go to the Indiegogo page of Project: Guiri, to help us with the development of the game.